Limited Liability Companies LLCs and S-Corps are business entities which are handled by the IRS as partnerships for tax purposes. They differ with regard to their corporate formalities, but both entities have their income taxed as passing through to their owners. What this signifies is that there’s not any C-Corp double taxation problem where C-Corp income is taxed once at the corporate level and then taxed again when it is distributed to its shareholders. LLC and S-Corp income is taxed only once as income of their respective owners.
LLCs and S-Corps are useful for small business owners or sole Proprietors who wish to obtain the limited liability of corporate arrangement but that are small enough in order avoid dealing with the double taxation of the conventional C-Corp one of the prerequisites for S-Corp election is the fact that the thing does not have more than 100 shareholders. Besides certain tax considerations, LLC and S-Corp therapy is virtually identical on the Federal and in most state levels.
The New York Problem
If you have researched forming an LLC in New York, you probably ran into the nation’s little extortion scheme. New York requires all LLCs to file a Certification of Publication within 120 days of creation or else lose said creation. To Receive a Certificate of Publication, the LLCs must print their Articles of Organization in two local county papers. Prices vary by county, but companies operating from New York City can wind up paying around 1,500 for such compulsory advertising in addition to the filing fees.
Forming From State
Game the system is sadly not feasible. Those who decide to Form their LLCs from state such as in Delaware will still need to pay the publishing fee if they intend to conduct business in New York: A Certificate of Authority to do business in New York carries the identical Certificate of Publication requirement for out-of-state LLCs.
The S-Corp Choice
A cheaper alternative, depending on your needs, could run the manner of this S-Corp. An S-Corp, Exactly like an LLC, affords its owners the same limited-liability protections and passes-through income by percentage ownership and try here for some interesting facts. The last part means that the S-Corp does not pay its Federal income taxation the owners pay taxes on the earnings and income they earn through the company.
The S-Corp does not require a Certificate of Publication. The cost to file an S-Corp is just like filing a C-Corp. The only additional steps required are to submit a Federal Form 2553 and neighbourhood Form CT-6 S-Corp elections which are free to file with the IRS and state plus whatever your attorney charges you for the hour it takes him to document them if you do not need to do it yourself.